13 participants were recognized for completing the Program in November 2018.
Two participants received the John Whitehouse Award – Sarah Collicutt and Tim Dagley.
Congratulations to all participants for their accomplishments!
We are pleased to announce that Bill Langille was the successful candidate for our full-time Driver / Maintenance Position. Bill joined the team full time at SSWAP in early February 2019.
On November 24th, SSWAP recognized 12 participants who completed and participated in the program, as well as the accomplishments of others.
The John Whitehouse Award for Commitment to Program, was handed out to Nick Lloyd of Liverpool. This award recognizes a participant who through their own commitment and willingness to participate in all parts of the Program has left an everlasting mark.
We are pleased to announce that Alison Whitehead was the successful candidate for our Technology Instructor Position. Alison joined the team at SSWAP in February 2017.
We wished 4 participants all the best on their journey having officially finished their level 4 work with us on August 31st, 2016.
And on September 1st we welcomed 8 new participants. We look forward to working with you over the coming months!